Germany ahead of schedule with gas storage targets

Germany has over 80% of its natural gas storage capacity filled ahead of an anticipated, tough winter due to uncertainty over Russian supplies, according to the latest data from Gas Infrastructure Europe.

With a target of having gas storage facilities at least 85% filled by Oct. 1 and 95% by Nov. 1, the country is ahead of schedule in terms of storage levels, given that it has surpassed the September target of 75% by mid-August.

The occupancy rate of gas storage facilities in Germany had dropped to a historic low of 33% on Feb. 14 and was put under further pressure since the Russian war in Ukraine later in the month.

The country is applying a three-stage emergency plan to save energy and reduce dependence on Russian gas by using resources efficiently.

The three stages comprise an early warning phase, an alarm phase and an emergency phase. The early warning stage began on March 30 and Germany is currently on stage two since June 23 following a drop in gas flow from the Nord Stream 1 to 60% following a turbine repair issue.

According to data from the German Gas Storage Initiative, 25 companies operate 47 underground gas storage facilities, with a total capacity of approximately 23 billion cubic meters.

In the event of Russia cutting off supplies to Germany, the country will only have enough natural gas for consumption over two and a half months this winter even at 95% filled storage capacity, Klaus Müller, the president of Germany’s energy regulator, the Federal Network Agency said last week.

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