Funeral for Italian volleyballer Julia Ituma held in Milan


The funeral for Italian volleyballer Julia Ituma, who plunged to her death from a hotel window in Istanbul last week, was held Tuesday in Milan.

Ituma’s coffin arrived at the San Filippo Neri Church as many including her family, Sports Minister Andrea Abodi, teammates from Igor Gorgonzola Novara and friends attended.

Her coffin was covered with white roses, which symbolize purity and peace, and draped with her match jersey.

The crowd applauded when the coffin left the church.

Ituma, 18, fell to her death on April 13 from the sixth floor of an Istanbul hotel. Her team were in Istanbul to face Eczacibasi Dynavit in the second-leg match in the 2023 CEV Champions League semifinals.

The Turkish team qualified for the final after beating Igor Gorgonzola 3-0. The Italian club won the first leg 3-2 on April 5.

Ituma’s body was sent to Milan on April 15 after an autopsy was performed in Istanbul.

Turkish police were said to investigate the case.

Born to Nigerian parents in Milan, Ituma, who was 6’4”, was regarded as one of the promising volleyball players in Italy.

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