France reacts ‘nervously’ to decline of its influence in Africa, says Russia


France reacts “nervously” to the decline of its influence in Africa, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

Speaking at a Moscow meeting with the conservative United Russia party’s commission on international cooperation and support for compatriots abroad, Lavrov welcomed Africa’s growing voice in the international affairs, saying that it provokes discontent in Paris.

“The solidary voice of (Africa) in world affairs is sounding more and more harmoniously, and we welcome the process of further comprehensive emancipation of the countries of the continent.

“This can be traced by the example of the ongoing compression of the sphere of neocolonial influence of France in Central and West Africa, which causes a rather nervous reaction from Paris, which shows a desire not to give away to anyone what you once considered yours,” he said.

Russia, for its part, is guided “by the principle of sovereign equality of states, according to which each of the states has the right to choose its own partners” when building relations with African states, he added.

“We will continue to support our African colleagues in their just demands,” he promised.

Lavrov recalled that the second Russia-Africa Summit is slated for July this year and Moscow is working on its preparations.

“The international parliamentary forum with the participation of African partners, scheduled for March in Moscow, should give a significant impetus to this preparatory work and the strengthening of contacts between our countries,” he said.

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