Finland heads to elections on Sunday


The Finns will vote on Sunday to elect 200 deputies who will form a new government.

There is no electoral threshold for a party to enter Finland’s parliament, but it must receive a minimum of 2% of the votes to benefit from treasury aid.

The current government is led by Social Democratic Party’s Sanna Marin, who is the prime minister, and four other parties – the Centre Party, Green League, Left Alliance and Swedish People’s Party.

There are 19 ministers. While the Social Democrats Party got seven ministerial portfolios after the 2019 polls, the coalition’s second biggest partner, Center Party, has five ministers. Its 39-year-old leader Annika Saarikko has been serving as the finance minister since May 2021.

The Green League, whose leader is Maria Ohisalo and who served as interior minister from 2019-2021, has three ministerial posts.

Left Alliance leader Li Andersson, meanwhile, serves as the country’s education minister. The party has two ministers in the cabinet, just like the Swedish People’s Party.

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