China indicates action against tariff hike by EU


China on Thursday indicated it is taking countermeasures against tariffs hike by the EU Commission on electric vehicles (EV) imports from the world’s second largest economy, state media reported.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said: “China must safeguard World Trade Organization rules and market principles and must protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese EV industry and its enterprises.”

The Commission Wednesday announced additional custom duties of as much as 38.1% on Chinese electric vehicles as of July 4.

Reports suggest that some industries have filed an application with Chinese authorities, demanding anti-dumping investigation into imports of certain dairy and pork products from the EU.

Beijing expressed “strong dissatisfaction” with the EU move and called it “naked protectionist act.”

Meanwhile, Beijing urged the US against imposing illegal unilateral sanctions on Chinese enterprises.

Instead, Lin told reporters in the Chinese capital, Washington should “play a constructive role in promoting a cease-fire, ending the war, and restoring peace.”

The statement came after US announced fresh sanctions on Russia, including some China-based companies.

“China will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and nationals,” said the ministry spokesman.

“China firmly opposes any illegal and unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction.”

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