China blasts US house speaker’s Taiwan trip, says won’t tolerate ‘independence forces’


China issued a stern warning as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan on Tuesday, saying Beijing is opposed to “independence forces” on the island.

“When the House Speaker, being the third-highest ranking figure in the US government, flies on US military aircraft and makes a provocative visit to the Taiwan region, it is by no means an unofficial action,” Hua Chunying, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson said in a series of tweets.

Her statement came as Pelosi’s plane touched down in Taipei where she was received by Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu.

“China firmly opposes separatist moves toward ‘Taiwan independence’ and interference by external forces, and never allows any room for ‘Taiwan independence’ forces in whatever form,” said Hua, who addressed a news conference earlier in the day.

She last addressed the media on Feb. 24 when Russia launched its war on Ukraine.

Accusing the US of “using Taiwan to contain China,” Hua said “the US has supported and connived at Taiwan-independence separatist forces and has made deliberate provocations against China on the Taiwan question. It has been pushing the envelope on China’s red lines.”

“The US and Taiwan have made provocations together first, whereas China has been compelled to act in self-defense. Any countermeasure to be taken by China would be a justified and necessary response to the US oblivion to China’s repeated demarches and the US’s unscrupulous behavior,” she added.

The Chinese official urged the US to “give up any attempt to play the Taiwan card and strictly abide by the one-China principle and the three Joint Communiques both in words and deeds and to the letter.”

US continues to oppose ‘change by unilateral efforts’

Soon after landing in Taipei, Pelosi tweeted: “Our delegation’s visit to Taiwan honors America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant Democracy.”

“Our discussions with Taiwan leadership reaffirm our support for our partner and promote our shared interests, including advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region,” she added.

Pelosi is the first US house speaker to visit Taiwan in the past 25 years.

Expressing solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan, Pelosi said it was “more important today than ever, as the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy.”

“Our visit is one of several Congressional delegations to Taiwan – and it in no way contradicts longstanding US policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, US-China Joint Communiques and the Six Assurances.”

“The US continues to oppose unilateral efforts to change the status quo,” she said, referring to cross-Taiwan Straits relations.

The US formally recognized China in 1979 and shifted diplomatic mission from Taipei to Beijing, including Taiwan as part of mainland China.

The Taiwan Relations Act, enacted in 1979, has governed US relations with Taiwan. Bilateral agreements known as the Three Communiques have also influenced the ties.

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