Australian business-people see Türkiye as alternative supplier


Australian business people are viewing Türkiye as a strong alternative supplier to existing import sources.

Speaking at the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MUSIAD) Expo in Istanbul, an Australian business delegation told Anadolu Agency that Turkish industry offers affordable prices to foreigners.

Hakan Evecek, a board member of MUSIAD’s Sydney branch, said Türkiye has delivered major projects recently especially in the defense sector.

Due to the pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war and the political situation in some countries, Australia has directed some businesses to Türkiye, he underlined.

There is keen interest in the Turkish construction sector with some businesspeople eager to import raw materials, he said.

“It seems much more advantageous to turn to Türkiye instead of China or Asian countries,” he added.

He said MUSIAD Sydney brought Australian business-people to the expo so that they could network with their Turkish counterparts and explore mutually beneficial opportunities.

Nabil Hafza, a businessman, said: “I came here looking for specific items for construction for our business, but I think I’m going to leave with quite a few ideas.”

Stating that his firm is a leading construction company based in Sydney, he said he wants to purchase building and formwork material from Türkiye.

He added that his firm plans to open an office in Istanbul.

“I like where Turkey is going, I like what they’re doing, I like the quality that comes out of Turkey and I love the leadership in Turkey.

“In the next few weeks I will look for a good place to base our business from, and we’ll move from there,” he said.

Yuksel Ciftci, head of Australia-based Turkish Media Limited and member of MUSIAD Sydney, said the 25-member Australian business delegation plans to visit the capital Ankara and some factories in the next few days.

He said Australian business-people plan to import building material from Türkiye such as wood, door and iron, and fitted kitchen products.

“They used to import from China, now they want to make all purchases from Türkiye,” he said.​​​​​​​

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