Turkey fines Google $36.6M for breaking competition law

3 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  Turkish authorities on Wednesday fined Google 296 million Turkish liras ($36.6 million) for violating the country's competition law.…


Turkey becomes 1 of few countries with air-to-air missile

3 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY   Turkey has managed to be one of the few countries with air-to-air missile technology, said Turkish…


Turkey accelerates space program by building new satellites

3 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  With the announcement of Turkey’s National Space Program, the implementation of programs for the creation of satellites for…


Biden to Withdraw All Combat Troops From Afghanistan by Sept. 11

3 years ago

WASHINGTON D.C. US President Joe Biden has ordered the full withdraw of all combat troops from Afghanistan by Sept. 11,…


Biden urges Putin to lower tensions on Ukraine border

3 years ago

WASHINGTON D.C. US President Joe Biden on Tuesday expressed concerns about Russia's military build-up on the Ukrainian border during a…


Russia warns US to stay away from Black Sea

3 years ago

MOSCOW, RUSSIA  Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov called "provocative" the US maneuvers in the Black Sea and warned Washington…


Turkey to host Afghan peace meet from April 24 to May 4

3 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  Turkey announced on Tuesday that a keenly awaited international conference on the Afghan peace process will be held…


Turkey declares partial lockdown during Ramadan

3 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  Turkey on Tuesday announced a two-week partial lockdown to help curb a recent rise in the novel coronavirus…


Photograph of Turkey’s Lake Van wins NASA competition

3 years ago

WASHINGTON D.C. A photograph of Turkey's Lake Van taken from space by an astronaut has been crowned the winner in…


Turkey ranks as 5th biggest wind investor in Europe

3 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  Turkey has been ranked as the fifth-biggest wind power investor in Europe in 2020 with €1.6 billion, according…

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