U.S. Military Operations Leave 132 Civilians Dead in 2019

4 years ago

WASHINGTON D.C. US military operations in four countries in 2019 left 132 civilians dead, according to a report released Wednesday…

United States to Launch First X-37B Under Space Force

4 years ago

NEW YORK, NY The US Air Force is partnering with the recently-created Space Force to carry out the sixth mission…


Mike Tyson is Hitting Like ‘21-Year-Old’ in Viral Comeback Video

4 years ago

NEW YORK, NY Mike Tyson still has it, even at the age of 53. Just ask the man who was…

States Need Aid Regardless of Party

4 years ago

NEW YORK, NY New York Governor Andrew Cuomo pushed back Tuesday on remarks from US President Donald Trump who suggested…


China Closer to Constructing a Space Station

4 years ago

NEW YORK, NY China’s latest state-of-the-art carrier rocket the Long March-5B took a successful flight on Tuesday, signaling a new…

The Case Filed By U.S. Women’s National Team Players with The Demand of “Equal Pay” Has Been Concluded

4 years ago

NEW YORK, NY Judge R. Gary Klausner stated in his decision that the American Football Federation proved the claim that…

Turkish, Russian Forces Carry Out 8th Joint Patrol in Syria

4 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  Turkish and Russian forces have carried out their eighth joint patrol along a key highway in northwestern Syria,…

400,000+ Syrians in Turkey Returned Home

4 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  Turkey currently hosts 3.58 million Syrians, while over 400,000 have returned to their country, according to official Interior…

Turkey Delivers Second Batch of Aid to Somalia to Fight COVID-19

4 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  A Turkish plane carrying medical aid landed early Monday in the Somalian Capital to help the country combat the…

President Trump: The United States Will Have Coronavirus Vaccine By End of Year

4 years ago

WASHINGTON D.C. The United States will have a coronavirus vaccine before the New Year, President Donald Trump said Sunday. "We…

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