Turkey bans flights from UK amid new virus strain

4 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  Turkey late Sunday joined other European countries in banning flights from the UK and other countries due to…


A Christmas pose with a tuxedo from the Trump couple

4 years ago

WASHINGTON D.C. While President Donald Trump denied that he lost the 59th presidential election to Democrat candidate Joe Biden and…


The “fake vaccination” crisis that happened at the EI Paso University Medical Center in the State of Texas

4 years ago

NEW YORK, NY The video released on a vaccine applied to health workers in the State of Texas, was a…


Turkish firm converts manned helicopter into UAV

4 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  A Turkish technology firm has converted a helicopter into an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with high payload and…


Senegalese NGO names Turkish President ‘Person of The Year’

4 years ago

DAKAR, SENEGAL  Jamra, a Senegalese non-governmental organization on Friday named Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as "Person of The Year".…


Turkish Parliament approves 2021 budget

4 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  Turkish Parliament approved the country's 2021 budget on early Saturday following a 12-day marathon session in the general…


Biden to get Pfizer’s COVID vaccine on Monday

4 years ago

WASHINGTON D.C. US President-elect Joe Biden and first lady-elect Jill Biden will publicly receive Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine next week, the…


Turkish-German COVID-19 vaccine founders named People of the Year

4 years ago

LONDON Ozlem Tureci and Ugur Sahin, who shed a bright light over billions of people across the world by developing…


‘US needs Turkey in Middle East and beyond’

4 years ago

ANKARA, TURKEY  The geo-political position of Turkey on the world map compels the United States to value its relations with…


5-star rating puts Istanbul Airport in top world league

4 years ago

ISTANBUL, Turkey  Istanbul Airport gained top global recognition on Tuesday by being named a 5-star airport by London-based air transport…

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