President Erdogan Announces New Summit with Macron, Merkel


Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Tuesday a new summit in Istanbul with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel next week, with possible attendance of Britain’s premier, Boris Johnson.

Speaking to journalists upon his return from Brussels, the Turkish president hinted at a new phase in relations with the EU, saying: “We have taken many steps and will continue doing so.”

“Turkey has paid a great price for cease-fire and protecting civilians in Idlib, Syria, now EU must do its part,” he said.

He was referring to the recent martyrdom of 34 Turkish soldiers at the hands of regime forces in Idlib.

The violation in the de-escalation zone led Ankara to revise its commitments with Europe, and it no longer stops asylum seekers from passing through its borders.

Greece, meanwhile, rejecting the asylum seekers, has resorted to inhumane practices such as opening random fire and pouring boiling hot water on the migrants.

Erdogan termed Greek actions at borders “murderous,” saying Turkey will not stay silent.

Regarding the country’s efforts against the coronavirus outbreak, the Turkish leader said: “The fact that it has been detected in 114 countries but not in Turkey is proof that we have taken the right measures.”

Source: AA

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