Positive mind key to beating cancer, says 2-time survivor

by Anadolu Agency

EDIRNE, Türkiye

A Turkish woman, who beat cancer twice, has set an example for people battling with the life-threatening disease.

Zeynep Oven, who lives in Türkiye’s northwestern Edirne province, told Anadolu that she was diagnosed with breast cancer 22 years ago and regained her health after surgery and medication.

Oven, 51, said she was diagnosed with lung cancer during a checkup last year.

“A rapid treatment process has begun. I am in a stable condition now, I have three months of follow-ups. I am happy to regain my health,” she said.

Being diagnosed with cancer is not the end of the world, she said, but early diagnosis is the key to a healthy life.

“Just the word cancer scares people. Unfortunately, it reminds us of death. It was very difficult for me at first, but then I thought that it would not help to be sad, cry and rebel,” she said.

She said a positive mind helped her fight the disease.

“My doctors told me that ‘50% of recovery is morale’. That is still on my mind,” she added.

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