Egypt says it is working to restore calm between Palestine, Israel

by Anadolu Agency


Egypt said Sunday that it is working to restore calm between Palestine and Israel following a spike in violence in the region.

The statement came after Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi held talks in Cairo with Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca.

During the meeting, Egypt’s efforts to ensure peace between Palestine and Israel were discussed, but no details were disclosed.

“The meeting also focused on a number of regional issues, particularly the Palestinian cause and Egypt’s efforts to achieve calm between the Palestinians and Israelis,” the Egyptian Presidency said in a statement.

“There was an agreement on the importance of exerting intensive efforts to reach a just and comprehensive solution, in line with the resolutions of international legitimacy.”

The two sides also discussed developments regarding the Russia-Ukraine war with its political, economic and humanitarian consequences for the world.

Sisi and Ciuca also discussed energy cooperation amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis, which has created some global challenges.

-At least 35 Palestinians killed so far this year

The talks between the two leaders came amid an alarming rise in violence in the occupied Palestinian territories.

At least 35 Palestinians, including women and children, have been killed by Israeli police since the beginning of 2023 in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

On Jan. 28, a 13-year-old Palestinian launched an armed attack in the Silvan neighborhood of East Jerusalem, wounding two Israelis.

The Israeli army carried out a large-scale military offensive in the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank which left 10 dead, including a 60-year-old woman.

An attack on a synagogue in East Jerusalem killed seven people, with seven injured.

Following the synagogue attack, a 22-year-old Palestinian died in East Jerusalem.

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