Democrats slam McCarthy for removing them from key US House committees

by Anadolu Agency


Democratic Representatives Ilhan Omar, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell slammed House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy for removing them from key committees, accusing him of conducting a “political stunt.”

It is also “a blow to the integrity of our democratic institution and a threat to our national security,” Omar told reporters at a news conference.

“I think it is really important in all of our cases to remember it is not the accusations that McCarthy is making against us that is pushing for a removal from these committees,” she said. “It is about revenge. It’s about appeasing the former president.”

Schiff said the removals were a “patently unfair smear” by McCarthy.

“He is slowly undermining each part of the work of this institution,” said Schiff. “And that’s certainly not in the best interest of the country.”

He said that the focus should be on “economic challenges” and “inflation”.

McCarthy banned California democrats Schiff and Swalwell from serving on the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday and Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

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