Taiwan launches ‘re-connect to school’ project for Ukrainian children in Türkiye

by Anadolu Agency


Taiwan will build school infrastructure for Ukrainian orphans and refugee children living in Türkiye, officials said.

Taiwan’s representative office in the capital Ankara will build classrooms and donate digital equipment as part of its “re-connect to school” project for Ukrainian orphans and refugee children resettled in Türkiye’s southwest Antalya province.

The two classrooms and digital equipment will be set up by the Turkish NGO, Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM), to enable more than 500 children affected by the war in Ukraine to study remotely.

Huang Chi-yang, the head of the self-ruled nation’s Economic and Culture Mission in Ankara, signed a cooperation agreement with ASAM Director General Ibrahim Vurgun Kavlak early this week to launch the one-year integrated education program.

“The aim is to provide access to education for Ukrainian children affected by the war through computer laboratories that will be set up within the scope of the project,” the ASAM said in a statement posted on Facebook.

Huang said: “Ukrainian orphans and child refugees resettled in Antalya need the most protection and care.”

“In addition to the lack of computers, internet, and other digital equipment, there are no suitable educational courses at the resettlement camps, which creates a gap in learning,” he said, according to Taiwan’s Central News Agency.

Russia launched a war on Ukraine last February, resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries, as well as the displacement of millions of Ukrainians.

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