Iran’s football manager dodges question on protests

by Anadolu Agency


Iran’s football manager Carlos Queiroz dodged a question from a reporter over ongoing protests in the country, saying he only wanted to talk about the game.

At a press conference on Thursday ahead of Iran’s game against Wales, Queiroz told a BBC reporter: “Why don’t you ask such questions to (England’s coach) Southgate?”

“That is the only question I make. Why don’t you ask the other coaches? Why don’t you ask Southgate: What do you think about England, the United States, and [pulling out of] Afghanistan?” he said, according to ITV.

While accepting that reporters have the right to ask any question they want, he said: “It is important that if we answer whatever we want, you also need to respect that.”

Mass protests have rocked Iran after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini’s death in police custody. She was arrested for being immodestly dressed.

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