UK police: Migrant center firebombing motivated by terrorist ideology

by Anadolu Agency


British counterterror police said Saturday that the firebombing of a migrant center in Dover, southeast England, was motivated by terrorist ideology.

The man behind last Sunday’s attack was previously identified as Andrew Leak, 66, who threw two or three incendiary devices at the center. Two people suffered minor injuries. Leak was later found dead, and it is speculated he killed himself.

Counter Terrorism Policing South East said they had recovered a number of items of interest and spoke to a number of witnesses.

“Evidence from examining these items suggests there was an extreme right wing motivation behind the attack,” according to their statement.

Tim Jacques, senior national co-ordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing, said: “After considering the evidence collected so far in this case, whilst there are strong indications that mental health was likely a factor, I am satisfied that the suspect’s actions were primarily driven by an extremist ideology. This meets the threshold for a terrorist incident.”

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