4 pro-Palestinian protesters arrested during event at University of Michigan

by Anadolu Agency


Police arrested at least four pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of Michigan on Wednesday, according to local media.

The Detroit Free Press reported that the incident occurred in the afternoon at the university’s Festifall event.

During the event, a group of about 50 anti-Israel protesters began demonstrating.

“For more than an hour, they were given multiple warnings that made clear they were blocking pedestrian traffic and violating university policy,” Colleen Mastony, the campus assistant vice president for public affairs, said in a statement.

“Most eventually dispersed, although some refused to leave, and as a result, four people were arrested,” Mastony said.

None of those arrested were students, she said, adding, “Three of the arrested individuals were unaffiliated with the university, and the fourth was identified as a temporary employee.

“Protests are welcome at the University of Michigan, so long as those protests do not infringe on the rights of others, disrupt university operations, or threaten the safety of the community.

“The university has been clear that we will enforce our policies related to protests and expressive activity, and that we will hold individuals accountable for their actions in order to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all.”

In April, protesters set up a tent encampment to pressure the university to divest from Israel. However, in May, police dismantled the camp, removing the tents and making some arrests.

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